November 30, 2017

Black Friday is the new safari

By Edna Sailor
Black Friday can seem to be a lot like a hunting expedition.
According to Black Friday enthusiasts, it is a hunt worth the waiting, the getting up early, standing in line and the willingness to withstand some pushing and shoving to get a prime place in line. Some compared it to deer hunting, but the reward is not a trophy to stuff and hang in the wall. The trophy for folks is a product price so low it is worth it to go on one of these hunts and bag a bargain. Some families have made it part of their own tradition.
“I think it is kind of exciting. I am always looking for the big ticket items like appliances and computers, so it is worth it to me. Then I go have a big, relaxing breakfast somewhere and go home and sleep,” said a New Town Black Friday fan who did not want to be identified.

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