January 25, 2017

Aubol encourages Girls State participation

By Edna Sailor
Girls State is one of Marlys Aubol’s favorite programs sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary. She is a fervent advocate for the opportunity it provides to youth.
June may seem like a long time away, but Aubol wants to make sure that youth in our area are fully informed about the opportunity and have time to apply.
“This is a fun way for girls to learn about government,” she said.
The program is open to girls who have completed their junior year in high school, and is held at UND, Grand Forks, in June each year. The program has been in existence since 1937.
“Its purpose is to provide citizenship training. Girls State affords students an opportunity to live together as self-governing citizens. It informs participants of the duties, privileges, rights and responsibilities of American citizenship,” Aubol said.

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