Mountrail County Record News
Boys and Girls Club Grand Opening
There were an abundance of smiles, giggles, laughter and obvious joy in the group of children and adults who attended the recent grand opening of the new Girls Club facility in Parshall.
Relays provide racing excitement
The pounding hooves shook the ground at the Healing Horse Ranch near Parshall as the Northeast Segment sponsored Indian Relay Racing at the track that was built at the ranch last year.
Parshall Promoters honor emergency squads
Dozens of people of all ages attended the Parshall Promoters event that recently honored both fire and ambulance squads in Parshall.
Area gardens take a pounding
Students and staff at the Parshall school learned quickly about the hail and winds that damaged their newly planted gardens. Mary Quillin, project leader for the summer, says that staff, community members and those students who know about it feel “discouraged but not defeated.”
4-H pet parade delights young and old
Everyone wins when children bring their 4-H show animals to share with residents of Lakeside Living Center residents. With goats, sheep, chickens and even a dog, both groups spent the afternoon visiting and sharing the animal experiences.
Close race for city council
There were two spots open on the Parshall Council in Tuesday’s election and three candidates are still in the running.
Summer arrives for MHA Tourism
Summer may not officially arrive for a few more weeks, but it is summertime for the Earth Lodge Village operated by MHA Tourism.
Community Foundations continuing to prosper
The North Dakota Community Foundation (NDCF) has announced that it surpassed $80 million in net assets in 2017.
New Principal hired
The Parshall School Board held a special meeting Tuesday to hire a high school principal to replace Mark Grueneich, who is retiring.
School working toward a major literacy grant
The Parshall School District is on track to earn a major six-figure education grant to promote literacy in young readers in the community.