January 10, 2013

2013 Street Project gets go-ahead

2013 Street Project gets go-ahead

By Jerry W. Kram
Bids will soon be let for the second phase of Parshall’s comprehensive street and sewer improvement project. The cost of the the 2013 project is projected to be close to $6 million.
The first phase of the project was completed this fall just before the snow started flying. It included Fourth Street West, Seventh Ave. NW, First Avenue South, Second Street East and Main Street in front of Parshall High School. This year’s project will include all of First Street East plus Central, First, Second, and Third Avenues east of Main Street. City Engineer Darrell Casteel said that the cost of that section of the project would be $5.1 million.
At the council’s request, Casteel also calculated how much it would cost to include Fifth Avenue NW in the project. Fifth Avenue is the street directly south of the school and is expected to be heavily used during Parshall’s Centennial Celebration in 2014. Fifth Avenue is also one of the streets in Parshall in need of repair, according to council members. The addition will increase the cost of the project by $878,000, bringing the entire projected cost to $5.98 million.

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