McLean County Independent Sports

April 14, 2011

Golf simulator a success

The note on the simulator at the Garrison Golf Club has been paid in full. The announcement was made this past Sunday during the club’s annual meeting. All that remains is for stockholders to be reimbursed.

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The Garrison-Max Troopers track team is patiently waiting to get outside and spread its wings on an outdoor surface.

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The Garrison Dam National Fish Hatchery’s annual operating budget is $667,492, but that funding is being threatened by proposed budget cuts in President Barrack Obama’s 2012 budget.

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The Tailrace below Garrison Dam has been a cure for “fishing fever” all winter long. More recently, the waters of the Tailrace have proven a medicine for open water fishermen stricken with a severe case of “spring fever.”

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Thirty-four young wrestlers from grades 1-6 at Garrison’s Bob Callies Elementary School are learning the fundamentals of the sport over the next few weeks.

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It was a case of the killer “B’s” Monday night for both the Garrison Troopers and Max Cossacks at the opening round of the Region 5 Girls Basketball Tournament in Mandan.

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They are still smiling in Garrison. The drought of being absent from a regional tournament berth is over. In Max, Cossack fans are smiling, too. But their excitement at being part of the Region 5 girls basketball tournament Monday is tempered as one of the team’s stars, Whitney Huesers, suffered a leg injury late in the third quarter Monday night.

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February 24, 2011

District 10 girls begins

It s time to begin the process to see who will be crowned the best Class B girls team in the state. That process begins today (Thursday) as district tournaments around North Dakota get underway.

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It was bound to happen eventually -- the Trojan Dynasty has finally been toppled. After dominating the District 10 Tournament for half a decade, the Turtle Lake-Mercer-McClusky Trojans were taken down by the Washburn Cardinals this year.

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When one thinks about an archery shoot, it’s a simple case of pulling the string back and letting the arrow fly. However, nothing in the archery world is quite that simple.

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