June 16, 2011

Rink location not set

Rink location not set

The location for the replacement indoor skating rink is not set in stone – just yet.
It appeared that the location for the new indoor facility was determined by a vote of the Garrison City Council Monday night, June 6. The council voted unanimously by roll call vote. The decision was unexpected and criticized by several.
The vote was to accept the State Fire & Tornado Fund (the insurer of the building) offer to accept replacement cost for the building and warming house – approximately $257,000. The other option was to accept a cash offer, estimated to be about $168,000.
Council members said they understood taking the replacement cost tied them to build in the same location.
But new information learned following the meeting left the door open to the possibility the rink could find its home at the sports complex in northwest Garrison and next to the swimming pool.
After hearing the council’s decision, Paul Garcia chairman of the Garrison Park Board called Fire & Tornado officials who clarified that the policy does not stipulate where the replacement building must go.

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