April 14, 2021

Garrison mulls auditorium project

As her final wish before retirement, City Auditor Diane Affeldt is hoping to get an addition added to the Garrison City Auditorium. 
Affeldt told cemetery, mobile home, public buildings, landfill & building permits committee members April 7 that she believes there is a need for an expansion to the downtown building. 
“It would include bathrooms, meeting rooms and storage,” Affeldt said of the expansion, estimated at roughly 40 by 110 feet. Affeldt referenced blueprints that were created in 2008 for the potential project, which wasn’t pursued further at the time. 
Affeldt said the addition would give the library more room, plus open up options for storage and public use space. 
“It would be partitioned to be able to do separate things at the same time,” Affeldt said, noting that there was a need for more local meeting space and the addition could alleviate this. 

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