February 18, 2010

Garrison lays out plans for 2010-11 school year

Garrison lays out plans for 2010-11 school year

It’s time to look ahead at Garrison School.
At Tuesday’s school board meeting, the 2010-11 school year was front and center. And at the top of the list is an expanded curriculum, increase in students and an OK by the board to add additional staffing.
More students
A growth in the student population at the elementary school anticipated next year could mean that the district would need to hire an additional elementary teacher and create an additional room. Kindergarten could have from 20-28 students this fall. A portable classroom could be necessary, said Elementary Principal Shelley Fuller.
“I think it would be a good investment,” she told the board.
But as the board mulled over classroom options, not warming to the portable classroom idea, Fuller said, “We are just starting the groundwork … but space is tight.”
More staff
Fuller also received approval to her request to advertise for the learning disabilities strategist at the elementary level for next year. Presently, Fuller serves in that capacity.
Principal Darwin Routledge said the high school is also in the market for a teacher. The district would be looking for a science and/or PE instructor with the highest priority being science.
His rationale is that longtime science teacher Bill Melaas could be looking at retirement in the next few years, and it would be in the district’s best interest to have another instructor on-board.
“It covers your school one way or the other,” Routledge added.
Options are open, but Routledge said in doing so (adding another instructor) it would make it easier to manage classes and allow more time for instructors to spend with individual students who might need help to improve proficiency scores.
Addressing the board’s concerns about additional hiring, Routledge said it is best to look down the road. Fuller and Brannan concurred.

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