‘Garrison Lanes’ are new -- again
‘Garrison Lanes’ are new -- again
Anyone who has visited the Garrison “bowling alley” in the past – oh, say 20 years – might have memories of a facility that was past its prime. And, those memories would likely be justified. Over the years, the aging facility had been operated, but not updated. That began to change in the spring of 2006 when Garrison resident Nancy Leidholm purchased the building from the Garrison Church of God.
After assuming ownership, Nancy and her husband Kyle began a series of projects to bring the facility into the 21st century.
Those who visit today’s “Garrison Lanes” and arcade are in for a surprise. The business has been the object of a total renovation project that Kyle, a carpenter by trade, began in January.
The first thing visitors might notice is a new sidewalk on the south side of the building. Then, just a few steps inside the door, is the entrance to the building’s “new” lower level.
The arcade area, completed last spring, was the site for Garrison High School’s 2008 post-prom party. The arcade’s new look and fresh décor made the bowling alley seem even more drab, more dated.
That began to change this summer when Kyle tackled the bowling alley area of the lower level. He replaced most of the sheetrock and installed a new ceiling and ceiling lights. Additional lighting in the form of black light, disco lights and strobes, allow the bowling alley to be used for “extreme bowling.”
The extreme lighting, along with other equipment, was purchased from Minot’s North Hill Bowl.
“The timing was good,” Kyle said. “Nancy bought the building at the same time that North Hill Bowl was planning to upgrade its equipment … if it wasn’t for North Hill’s help as far as getting the machines and the advice of their mechanic, it would have been a lot tougher.”
Kyle said some machines (the mechanical works that set pins in place) were replaced and all were fine-tuned. “They’ve probably never worked as well as they do now,” Kyle said.