October 27, 2021

A pleasant pheasant hunt

Fourth annual Wounded Warriors hunt takes place


Five men came together in Garrison this past weekend. They all came from different backgrounds and different parts of the country. However, they shared something in common.
The men were all Purple Heart veterans, wounded during their respective tours in the military. They were also in Garrison to go pheasant hunting.
This was the fourth annual pheasant hunt that the Schreiner family has held in connection with the Wounded Warriors in Action (WWIA) project. The project aims to support men and women who received the Purple Heart medal after being wounded in combat. The foundation serves about 200 Purple Heart Recipients in the United States each year.
Garrison was one of over 40 hunting or fishing excursions the foundation held annually. Hunting trips like these help to promote a deeper bond and peer-to-peer interaction, in addition to encouraging healing “through the power of the great outdoors,” the Foundation’s website explained.
“It was a great weekend,” said Bruce Schreiner, who helped organize the weekend. “Every year, the Wounded Warriors that we get are just fantastic people. They are so appreciative of what we do for them. It’s really kind of nice.” 

The Weather Network