October 20, 2021

A change you can bank on

A change you can bank on

Garrison State Bank, Farmers Security Bank and Bank of Turtle Lake will unify into one banking institution in the new year.
The merger, which will be effective Jan. 1, 2022, will combine the three banks under one name: TruCommunity Bank.
The decision was made late this summer by the board of directors of the
McLean Holding Company, which owns the banks.
“There’s so much strength with uniting the banks,” said Jamie Nelson, the company’s majority shareholder, noting that the three banks have the same processes in common.
Tony Thoreson, president of Farmers Security Bank, added the banks also share a philosophy in regard to community and customer service.

“Our mission is still to serve our community and our customers,” Nelson said. “That has always been the case and it will remain the case.”

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