McLean County Independent News

A group of concerned citizens is asking that the speed limit along a portion of North Dakota Highway 37 be reduced from the present 45 mph to 25 mph.

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And the two shall become one.

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Garrison High School students are receiving some hands on training in first aid.

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April 20, 2016

April showers

Frowns and worried brows on the faces of area producers have turned into smiles following five days of steady to intermittent rain.

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The horse left the barn. That was the take by the Friends of Lake Sakakawea board Friday when they met with the representatives of state and federal agencies, the Tribe and congressional delegation.

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Garrison is noted for being the home to a number of landmarks – Wally the Walleye, Dickens Village Festival, Lake Sakakawea and the "Hot" and "Cold" twin water towers.

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The deadline is passed for individuals hoping to serve on area city councils and park boards.

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April 6, 2016

One step closer

Could the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers be poised to hand off some parcels of project land along and around Lake Sakakawea to the Three Affiliated Tribes?

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April 6, 2016

Islands in the sun

The City of Garrison prides itself on being one of the more attractive communities in the region.

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March 30, 2016

Water thicker than oil

Oil makes the world go around.

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