McLean County Independent News

December 28, 2016

Ho Ho Ho, bring on the snow

Santa brought a bit of the North Pole with him this Christmas as Garrison saw 15 inches of snow Christmas Day.

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Although the Fort Berthold land transfer is said to be complete, U.S. Sen. John Hoeven’s staff remains frustrated with the lack of details or procedures that were to accompany the transfer.

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December 21, 2016

Making spirits bright

Bitterly cold temperatures Saturday didn’t deter a large number of volunteers from turning out to fill food baskets for the annual Gifts from the Heart drive.

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December 14, 2016

Addresses to say the same

Addresses in Aero Park will remain as they are.

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December 14, 2016

Slow means slow

What part of seeing flashing lights and emergency personnel holding signs saying “slow” or “stop” means ignore this?

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In the past two weeks, area school announcements of delays or closings are commonplace.

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November 30, 2016

Peacekeeper tells other side

While Dakota Access Pipeline protesters and a parade of celebrities grab the headlines, there’s one story not frequently being told.

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November 30, 2016

Snow body's business

The first snow storm of the season came in with a bang, forcing the appearance of snow shovels, snow blowers and snow plows.

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November 22, 2016

A new twist on an old tale

The curtain is set to go up on a Dickens Village Festival tradition – the Sakakawea Area Council for the Arts’ performance of Charles Dickens’ classic tale, “A Christmas Carol.”

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The Garrison-Max Ambulance Service is funded, in part, through the levying of mills on taxpayers in the district’s service area in McLean County.

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