McLean County Independent News

Following the devastating destruction in Texas, Garrison Schools found a way to get involved in the relief effort.

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September 6, 2017

Hats for Harvey

With Hurricane Harvey not only taking a toll on Texans physically and emotionally, it’s also hurting people’s hearts around the nation. Garrison High School wants to show its support and help Texas in its time of need.

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Driving along the countryside of North Dakota, it’s a common sight to see old, deteriorating vehicles in fields and tree rows, parked for many years.

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Steady stays the course for schools throughout McLean County. Enrollment remains stable as the 2017-18 school year begins.

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August 23, 2017

A change of perspective

Desks in straight rows, students told to sit down, be quiet, look straight ahead. This is the image seen when walking into most classrooms across the nation. Garrison isn’t much different. As of now.

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August 23, 2017

Just Livin’ the Dream

Two big events are taking place at Fort Stevenson State Park, Saturday – the 5th Annual Fort Stevenson Regatta and the ever popular Garrison Chamber of Commerce’s Beach Party.

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August 16, 2017

It’s a wrap for CANDISC

Whether they had ridden for one year, 10 or all 25, it was a bittersweet ending to an era for all participants of Cycling Around North Dakota in Sakakawea Country.

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“It all comes down to liability issues.” Those are the words of Laura Hellebush, Parks and Recreation Department chairman, as she talked about the issue of dogs in the City Park.

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August 9, 2017

Eliminating the unknown

The City of Garrison is taking a step into the future. Monday, council members voted to move ahead and purchase a geographic information system.

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Subdivision development continues strong in McLean County. At their recent meeting, county commissioners followed recommendations by the Planning and Zoning Commission to OK two more.

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