McLean County Independent News

“It takes out a lot of the he said, she said,” McLean County Sheriff JR Kerzmann said of the department’s new body cams, now worn by all on-patrol deputies.

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Over the years Garrison residents mourned the loss of many trees. Main culprits for the naked boulevards and empty spaces in the parks are disease and death.

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The gates to the Garrison City Landfill have finally opened after a long winter. Two free dumping days are also planned.

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Although Cannabidiol (CBD) is highly controversial, according to Michelle and Derik Alacaraz of rural Garrison, it is harmless and provides many benefits to the human body.

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A bucket of discussion has overflown on the proposed bond referendum for Garrison School District.

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May 2, 2018

Annexation canceled

A petition to transfer more than 14,000 acres from the Parshall School District to the Garrison School District was canceled.

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April 25, 2018

Chasing the dream

Haylee Rustad has always had an interest in the medical field. She was only 15 years-old when she began steadily planning for a future in radiology.

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Parshall School District can breathe a sigh of relief. The Garrison School District decided not to pursue a formal complaint due to breaking North Dakota Century Code and advertising open enrollment.

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April 18, 2018

A trip for the books

An adventure packed full of exploring, learning and making new friends was what 15 students and from Garrison High School experienced while they traveled to Washington D.C. this past week.

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The Garrison-Max Ambulance Service has made a name for themselves in the statewide EMS community.

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