McLean County Independent News

“It’s just a wonderful thing,” Saddle Up Against Cancer Organizer Clarissa Godsack said.

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Local harvest underway
August 19, 2020

Local harvest underway

With the temps being in the mid to high nineties this week, farmers are hoping the green wheat will finish drying up so they can get combining next week.

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Record season for Fort Stevenson State Park

Camping and outdoor activities made major jumps from last year. With the South Loop shut down for camping and waiting for construction to begin, Fort Stevenson’s numbers are way up.

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There is an old saying or maybe it is a proverb that goes something like, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

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Eighty-nine percent of the 367 respondents to a July survey of Garrison School District families voted for in-school instruction this fall.  

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Headed to State
August 5, 2020

Headed to State

After a whirlwind of strange happenings, the Garrison’s Titans are headed to the state tournament.

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Youngs plot destroyed
July 29, 2020

Youngs plot destroyed

There have been rumors swirling in recent weeks about vandalism that happened at the Garrison Community Garden.

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It’s not time to lay down and roll over, State’s Attorney Ladd Erickson says. “It’s time to stand up and fight.”

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Iverson serves up successful pantry

Who’s the guy in the crazy outfit with a big smile on his face?

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The big question on the minds of area parents is “what’s the plan for school?”

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