McLean County Independent News

Food pantries are twice blessed

More food is on the shopping lists of four food pantries in the region who are benefiting from St. Joseph’s Community Health Foundation’s Twice Blessed campaign. 

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A survey issued by Garrison Public Schools is gauging opinions from the community on future construction projects at the schools.

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A day of giving
February 2, 2022

A day of giving

A historic church that has served Camp of the Cross Ministries for the last 60-some years will hopefully see a facelift in the near future. 

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We’re living our American dream’

When Ivy Bicknese learned that she was assigned to work in North Dakota, she cried. 

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Garrison-Max Ambulance reported a lower number of ambulance runs in 2021 when compared to 2020.

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Feeding those in need
January 19, 2022

Feeding those in need

A group of about one dozen students from Nichole Beyer's third grade class from Bob Callies Elementary School marched down the Main Street sidewalk, ready to help at the Garrison Area Resource Center.

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January 19, 2022

Wind on the horizon

Previously untouched by wind turbine farms, McLean County is expected to soon host the largest wind energy project in the state. 

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The beat goes on
January 12, 2022

The beat goes on

Garrison High School’s pep band played for the fi rst time this season during the basketball double-header on Thursday.

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McLean County has moved almost entirely out of severe drought conditions after winter storms provided some much-needed moisture.

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Take a hike
January 5, 2022

Take a hike

The First Day Hike at Fort Stevenson State Park went off without a hitch last Saturday, despite the frigid temperatures. 

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