McLean County Independent News

School celebrates National Day of Play

School celebrates National Day of Play

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February 8, 2023

Getting the lead out

A resolution authorizing the North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality for assistance in performing an inventory of the city’s lead service lines was passed by the Garrison City Council at their meeting Monday evening. 

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An appropriation for free lunch grants is among the school lunch-themed legislation currently in talks in the North Dakota Legislature.

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Camp of the Cross  house needs some TLC

Camp of the Cross Ministries is hoping to raise $25,000 on Giving Hearts Day in order to rehabilitate a retreat center on the camp’s acreage.

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School boards, administrators from county testify against HB 1251

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Garrison Fire Department has "$25,000 and change" until they are at goal

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Libraries have the potential to lose a lot of their catalog if recently-introduced bills gain momentum.

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Hockey Night
January 26, 2023

Hockey Night

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A Roseglen woman has been charged with two counts of endangering by fire or explosion after she admitted to setting her house on fire earlier this month

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'A blessing sent to us'
January 11, 2023

'A blessing sent to us'

Organizers of the Ryder-based Community Food Pantry will have something to look forward to this year: a new location as the pantry was gifted with a home in nearby Makoti.

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