McLean County Independent News

There was no fat lady singing.

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City officials say they have a beef with McLean County when it comes to how the county handled board of equalization meetings for the City of Garrison.

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It’s certainly not a “done deal,” but the possibility of a new motel in Garrison appears to be very good.

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The Garrison School District is inching closer toward being able to issue teacher contracts for the upcoming school year.

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With just four weeks until the beginning of the 2009-10 school year, the Garrison School District has a new challenge – filling the position of high school principal.

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The cash register had a resounding ring at a meeting of the Garrison School Board Tuesday evening.

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What single thing does it take to put a smile on the face of a whole lot of people?

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The 34th Annual North Dakota Governor’s Walleye Cup Tournament is here.

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City officials in Garrison say they pride themselves on doing their best to provide quality streets for residents and visitors.

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Interested in showing off your cooking prowess? There’s still time to sign up for Wally’s Cook-off.

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