McLean County Independent News

Tim Stockdill, a resident of LakeView Estates southeast of Garrison, has lived at the same location for the past 30 years.

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It’s time to look ahead at Garrison School.

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February 11, 2010

Burning coal is a hot topic

Before the first truckload of soil was removed from the area that has become the new Garrison Bay Marina, the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers knew that coal would be unearthed.

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February 11, 2010

Garrison man sentenced

A Garrison man has been sentenced to serve six years and six months in federal prison for his part in a voluntary manslaughter case that took place in White Shield Dec. 10, 2008.

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You are never alone.

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This past weekend’s storm was more bark than bite – at least early on. But never wake a sleeping dog.

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While most people may regard a problem as something negative, the problem faced by the Garrison Area Improvement Association is anything but negative. It fact, it’s a good thing.

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Teachers and school board members got an earful recently from the Garrison Chamber of Commerce.

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Two annual events will be held next week in Garrison and both are open to the public.

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January 14, 2010

The tale of Dickens past

It’s only been a month since the close of the 2009 Dickens Village Festival in Garrison. With the 2010 Dickens Festival more than 10 months away, committee members have time to relax, to revel in the success of the 14th annual event.

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