McLean County Independent News

Duane Hummel received a surprise visit from the McLean County Sheriff’s Department Monday.

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The first step in the process of relocating county offices has begun. And if Monday’s four-plus hour meeting is any indication,

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The clock is ticking.

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A skeptical group of patrons once again turned out for a Lewis and Clark School Board meeting held in the Plaza school library Monday night.

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March 11, 2010

Order in the court

District Court has found a new home in the Memorial Building in Washburn since county commissioners last week decided that parts of the McLean County Courthouse would no longer be used until further decisions could be made about the future of the building.

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How will the increase in oil and gas activity affect McLean County – more specifically, around Lake Sakakawea?

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It’s official. The process to close down the original McLean County Courthouse structure has begun.

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The fat lady sang. It was a one line chorus signaling the end of contract negotiations with Garrison teachers.

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The public often criticizes government for being slow to react.

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Conversion to a chloramine disinfection method for the city and rural water distribution system will begin Monday.

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