McLean County Independent News

Something big is coming to Garrison – a new business called Sakakawea RV

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What is the future of the McLean County Courthouse?

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The City of Garrison will have a new police contract as of 2011 that should help out with tightening budgets.

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Pay increases can be a sticky issue.

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The law enforcement contract between the City of Garrison and McLean County is going up again.

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The voters replaced one incumbent and re-elected another in the election Tuesday.

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There will be a new twin-unit townhouse built in Garrison this summer, and the possibility exists that at least two homes will be erected in an area of northeast Garrison called the Bicentennial Addition.

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The Easter weekend started out with power outages and poor travel for much of McLean County as a storm dumped 5 to 9 inches of wet snow in the area on Friday.

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The contractor for the Garrison Bay Marina who was dismissed by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers when the project failed to remain on schedule has filed a suit against the Corps.

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Though majestic, the 2,000-plus miles of the Missouri River are strewn with travel hazards such as sandbars, rocks and fallen trees.

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