McLean County Independent News

August 19, 2010

It’s crunch time

Grade sizes at Garrison average 30 students – a far cry from grades of 50-plus that were seen in the 60’s and 70’s.

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A taxi service in Garrison could soon become a reality.

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Traffic should be able to flow through Garrison’s main arteries a little easier

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August 12, 2010

Courthouse options

McLean County officials are one step closer to formulating wording for a ballot measure on how to address the courthouse issue.

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August 5, 2010

Curfew gets OK

The first step to adopting a curfew for the City of Garrison has been taken.

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CANDISC (Cycling around North Dakota in Sakakawea Country) certainly isn’t one of the largest bike tours. In fact, with participants in the mere hundreds (about 325 this year), it might be considered on the small side.

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The arduous task of picking up after another storm has begun.

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The pot at the end of the rainbow was overflowing.

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Another wet year has compounded water problems in Max. And the next victim could be Max Farmers Elevator.

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Garrison educators have decided to not appeal a recent court decision that meant contracts could be issued.

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