McLean County Independent News

Old age and excess weight – it’s a recipe for doing anybody, or anything in. And it did this past weekend when abundant snow on the roof of the indoor skating rink became just too much to bear. The roof of the building succumbed to the burden of snow and age this past Saturday evening. City officials cordoned off the area Monday to keep onlookers from getting too close to the structure.

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Garrison’s water system is this year’s winner of the North Dakota Rural Water Systems Association’s annual water taste contest. “This was a statewide competition,” explained the city’s Maintenance Supervisor Alan Beyreis.

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North Dakota Ag Commissioner Doug Goehring will be one of the featured speakers at this year’s McLean County Ag Show. The show, set for Wednesday, Feb. 9, will be at the Garrison High School. It is sponsored by the Garrison FFA chapter and Garrison FFA alumni.

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The latest three-month climate outlook continues to reflect a continuation of the current LaNina affected weather pattern. The forecast continues to be for enhanced chances of below normal temperatures and above normal precipitation for western and central North Dakota. It’s enough to send shivers down one’s spine. But that forecast is what National Weather Service (NWS) officials are predicting as they look ahead to February, March and April.

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White Shield fourth graders say they’ve had enough of the negative advertising they saw in campaign ads this past fall and in previous years – and they want to do something about it.

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“I feel like I'm at home. I feel welcome.” Those are the thoughts of the owner of one of Garrison's newest businesses when talking about the community and help he received from members of the Garrison Area Improvement Association (GAIA).

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The ice skates are hanging on the wall, ready for skaters. The ice is on the rink, ready to be used. And the phones have been ringing off the hook at Garrison’s indoor skating rink from people inquiring if and when the facility will be open. But there is no answer. There will be no ice skating in the indoor rink this year.

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Principal Shelly Fuller had a hard time keeping the emotion out of her voice at a meeting Tuesday evening. She told the story of a friend’s school district in Alexandria, Minn. that experienced a teen suicide blamed on bullying. Fuller said she is trying her best in the Garrison school district to combat a student reaching a similarly hopeless stage.

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January 13, 2011

Cost of making a choice

North or south? That simple question, when asked by a crewmember of the Garrison-Max Ambulance District, translates simply as “Minot or Bismarck?”

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Pay hikes for teachers grew in the single digits over the past years. If the governor has his way there will be more pay increases tied to students’ successes. Salary increases and benefit packages for area teachers increased an average of 9 percent in the past two years, according to recently released data from the state Department of Public Instruction.

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