McLean County Independent News

For the first time in the 57-year history of the Garrison Dam, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers opened spillway gates June 1 to drain flood waters from Lake Sakakawea into the Missouri River.

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June 2, 2011

Bracing for the worst

They hung on every word spoken. Farmers, cabin owners, county officials – all were wondering how they will be impacted when the level of Lake Audubon is increased over the next few weeks.

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June 2, 2011


Tom Roe, Bismarck, has fished the upper stretch of the Missouri River hundreds of times. On Saturday, Roe stood above the Tailrace staring down at a furious, frothing, nearly-unrecognizable river.

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The countdown is on to a celebration of historic proportions in Makoti. On July 7-10, Makoti will be celebrating 100 years as a town.

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It is possible that Garrison Dam may be within a foot of the top of its spillway gates by this time next week.

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Melissa Rud and Karla Scheresky were re-elected Tuesday to three-year terms on the Garrison School Board.

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It’s been a topic of discussion for quite some time – this past winter has seemed especially long. Spring, on the other hand, was almost elusive as local residents coped with lingering snow and cool temperatures.

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May 12, 2011

Road weary

That’s how McLean County officials describe the work that needs to be done to bring roads in the county back to a semblance of normal after this past winter.

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Garrison educators came in strong in the first round of salary negotiations. Garrison educators asked for an 8.5 percent and an 8 percent salary increase for the next two years, based on the 2011 Legislature’s intended disbursement of almost $500,000 in new dollars to the Garrison district.

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Council members gasped. If the City of Garrison were to patch and overlay all 34 areas and streets marked as needing attention by Bechtold Paving officials in Minot, it would cost more than $450,000.

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