McLean County Independent News

The on-again-off-again relationship between the City of Garrison and McLean County Sheriff’s Department seems to be off again.

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July 7, 2011

Ice will be nice

It was beginning to look like it would be a long cold winter. Plans to advance rebuilding the indoor ice rink in Garrison seemed to slow like water freezing on a flag pole at -32 below.

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Makoti became a town 100 years ago, and its community will celebrate that fact this weekend.

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Members of McLean Electric Cooperative will soon be paying more for their electric power. The increase is not due to a rate increase, however; it is by choice.

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The school’s two remaining administrators will receive pay increases for the 2011-12 school year.

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At the recommendation of the Building and Grounds Committee, Garrison School Board members agreed now is not the time to move forward with expansion projects at the high school and elementary school.

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You could have heard a pin drop. No one knew the announcement was coming. But when Superintendent Steve Brannan said high school Principal Darwin Routledge had given his verbal resignation Tuesday, board members were left dumbfounded.

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June 16, 2011

State Park busy

“It’s been a wild, wild spring and it looks like its going to continue into summer.” That’s the word from Dick Messerly, manager of Fort Stevenson State Park.

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June 16, 2011

Rink location not set

The location for the replacement indoor skating rink is not set in stone – just yet. It appeared that the location for the new indoor facility was determined by a vote of the Garrison City Council Monday night, June 6. The council voted unanimously by roll call vote.

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Just a few years ago, several Garrison residents tackled a massive endeavor – working to get a new marina built at Fort Stevenson State Park.

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