McLean County Independent News

The future looks bright for the Garrison School District.

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It pays to be a Garrison School board member.

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There was a hearty turnout for the McLean Electric Cooperative Annual Meeting Tuesday evening. Among those who attended the 67th annual meeting were several guests, including Gov. Jack Dalrymple and his wife Betsy.

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June 21, 2012

Classroom crunch

Purchasing a pair of new buses for $148,500 – a piece of cake. The Garrison School District bought two this summer. But when it came to deciding whether to add a portable classroom; well, that became another matter.

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June 14, 2012

Primary in the books

Incumbent Ron Krebsbach edged past challenger Barry Suydam in the preliminary round for county commissioner in Tuesday’s Primary Election. Krebsbach picked up 1,564 votes (56.98 percent), while Suydam tallied 1,178 (42.91 percent).

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Three veterans and one newcomer were elected to the Garrison School Board Tuesday.

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The gauntlet has been thrown down. And McLean County Commissioners didn’t flinch.

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Is it better to ask permission before or forgiveness after? If it’s the case of a county zoning ordinance, the planning and zoning commission would most likely recommend permission and discourage forgiveness.

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It’s going up and up, and where it will stop, nobody knows.

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“We need some new ordinances. There are repeated problems we need to try to address.”

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