McLean County Independent News

August 30, 2012

Bond issue put on hold

What way to turn? For Garrison School Board members Tuesday night, it was the difference between moving ahead with a bond issue vote and indebtedness increase vote as soon as Oct. 9, or waiting until the verdict is in regarding the proposed annexation of property from the Lewis & Clark North Shore District.

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The McLean County Heritage Preservation Foundation recently gave the McLean County auditor a letter for the county commissioners regarding halting the demolition of the McLean County courthouse.

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August 23, 2012

School enrollments mixed

Some are up, some are down. With classes underway at area schools, enrollment trends seem to swing like a pendulum.

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August 23, 2012

Beach Party, Saturday

Get ready to party! Summer isn’t over yet!

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McLean County should expect a sharp revenue increase in 2013. That’s the prediction from county Auditor Les Korgel.

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It’s been nearly two years in coming. And it’s not there yet.

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The Garrison City Council is in accord with a recommendation by the Chamber of Commerce Governmental Affairs Committee’s goal to add turning lanes at the intersection of N.D. Highway 37 and McLean County 15.

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Construction in the area continues to be at a brisk pace.

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August 2, 2012

CANDISC turns 20

Twenty years ago, Fort Stevenson State Park was a mere shadow of what it is today.

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A new monument on Garrison’s Main Street pays tribute to the firefighters who gave their lives serving others.

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