McLean County Independent News

January 24, 2013

Safety first

The Boy Scouts of America motto is: “Be prepared.”

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A crowd of about 30 local residents gathered in the Underwood City Hall on Saturday to discuss the future of the Sanford Health Underwood Continuing Care Center, formerly Prairieview Nursing Home.

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January 16, 2013

County hit by influenza

Influenza, or flu as it is commonly called, began impacting residents of McLean County about a month ago.

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A decision has been made to begin the closure of the Sanford Health Underwood Continuing Care Center, formerly known as Medcenter One Prairieview Nursing Home.

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With change, there’s going to be a learning curve. Residents are asked to look at their container carefully.

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Turn on the water faucet and be rewarded with fresh clean water. Most of us take that simple ritual for granted.

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January 3, 2013

Growing to meet the need

The former Peavey Elevator is now gone – making room for an expansion project that’s in the works for Garrison Farmers Union Elevator/CHS.

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Garrison’s ice skating rink is hoping to open in the next few days.

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December 27, 2012

Prepared for the worst

With the tragedy involving elementary students in Connecticut fresh in their minds, school officials at Max want to have the bases covered when it comes to keeping their students and staff safe and secure.

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December 27, 2012

Class offerings expanding?

Are there any new class offerings that patrons or students would like added to curriculum at Max?

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