McLean County Independent News

Tuesday evening, after the polls had closed for the evening, Garrison School Board members gathered to hear the results of a $5 million bond election.

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October 9, 2013

Buckling under pressure

Deciding what to do about a section of street in Aero Park at the Garrison Airport continues to be a work in progress. The street has deteriorated due to constant heavy truck use.

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Two of the prime targets that would be addressed if patrons approve a bond issue at Garrison school Tuesday will be the classroom crunch and safety of students and staff.

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September 26, 2013

Bond election: No new taxes

Addressing space and safety – all without increasing taxes. That's what Garrison school officials are touting as they propose additions at Bob Callies Elementary School and Garrison High School.

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Tex Hall, chairman of the Three Affiliated Tribes, continues to stand firm on the return of land around Lake Sakakawea on the Fort Berthold Reservation to the tribe.

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September 18, 2013

Bond election Oct. 8

In just a few weeks, patrons of the Garrison School District will help decide the future of education for students who attend Garrison schools.

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September 18, 2013

A horn of plenty

This spring, farmers were being held back from getting their crops in because it was too wet. June came and hundreds of acres were forced to sit idle. For those that were able to get seed in the ground early, signs are that this year’s harvest will be one of the best.

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The turnover of McLean County Sheriff’s deputies continues as the county is currently seeking at least two more deputies for coverage in the county.

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September 12, 2013

Help wanted, bus drivers

“Dire.” That’s how Superintendent Steve Brannan describes the situation at Garrison School when it comes to having enough bus drivers to cover all routes and activities.

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Everything is in place to advertise for bids for infrastructure for all 22 lots in the Bicentennial Addition, or also known as lots owned by Three-Mile High LLC.

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