In which sport do players run the most?
edited and condensed
Even off the mound, most baseball players wouldn’t break a half-mile of running per game. Whether pounding pavement, squeaking down a court, or sprinting across the turf, one might expect most professional athletes to do quite a bit of running over the course of a day’s work. Receivers cover the most ground in football, but it’s still just over a mile.
Of all the stats tracked in baseball, average running distance isn’t one of them. Some New Yorkers walk a greater distance to work each day than the average player runs during a game,which is likely less than half a mile even for multiple home run hitters and fielders. The bases are only 90 feet apart. In football, cornerbacks and wide receivers, tend to run the most, about 1.25 miles per game; one can assume most players run less. The Wall Street Journal found the average American football player only moves, let alone runs, for 11 minutes per game.