Workers are free, supplies are extra
The money behind many community services and memorials comes from small and large donations, much like the small and large amounts of free labor the volunteers contribute.
For the Pioneer Historical Society’s concrete project in the October 8, 2020 Gazette issue, it took some additional donations to allow the insulation project to be done before
the last concrete section was completed. The money was not quite there and they thought they would have to wait another year. Additional contributions over the past two years moved the financing gears into drive. The Froehlich Family Trust added $5,000 in late 2018; Memorials for $50 for Howard Erdmann by Connie Erdmann, Hagen Brothers donated
$2,000 in 2018, $2,000 in late 2019, $6,000 on August 7, 2020; and Jerry Reiswig donated $4,000 on August 7, 2020. These financed the more recent work in the museum up until
now. Don Hagen noted that he and his brother Jonathan have donated $30,000 to the Pioneer Historical Society