Wold Engineering secures bid for County work
The Sheridan County Commission members Howard Erdmann and Shirley Jorgenson, accepted the bid from Wold Engineering of Bismarck, for the preparation of estimates for the repair of project SC-4211(062), regarding of a county road south of McClusky for 5.75 miles. Commissioner Eldon Ehrman was absent for the meetings that took place on Thursday, August 7. Wold will work with and coordinate prime contractors and subcontractors, as well as county work forces to complete the projects, according to their bid information. Jorgenson noted that the county has a history of doing business with this firm, and they have done good work for them. The Commissioners also approved a new request for bids for the Sheridan County 4-H building addition, with a bid letting of October 7, 2008. A previous time limit for completion of the project in 2008 had limited or eliminated bids for the work, due to company scheduling already set for 2008 for many businesses. The addition will be 40 x 40 feet. Additional information is available through the County Auditor Shirley Murray’s office. Crystal Schaunaman noted that there is a barrel racing event planned for June of 2009 that would bring in an estimated 80 families to the event.