Water issue discussed at June City meeting
Water issue discussed at June City meeting
Dark and low-volume water for residents were the main concerns and questions for Steve Murray, city maintenance for McClusky at the regular monthly meeting on June 11. He explained that the “draw down” from farmers pulling water from the lines at the elevator had emptied the booster station at Mercer, resulting in the dark water, and lack of much water at all.
The worker that had been helping Murray has returned to other employment and another worker for community service did not fulfill obligations, leaving the city again looking for helpers for tarring, painting and crack filling. Several areas in town, and the town streets in general, were deemed to be in need of repair: the street between DOT building and the Heart Park; another by Arvin Helm’s property, and several bumpy areas in other residential sections were highlighted.
“At least build them high enough for water run off” was the proposed suggestion for areas such as the street by the Sheridan County Animal Hospital.