April 15, 2010

Watch your mail for ballots

Watch your mail for ballots
Primary election, school and city ballots will be ready by April 29, said Sheridan County Auditor Shirley Murray. Before this, notice of Vote By Mail (VBM) should have arrived in all mailboxes by mid-April, sent out from the 2008 return voters’ list by the county.
If you don’t receive one, or fear you have thrown out your application, a notice, along with an application will be printed in the official county newspaper.
Fill these applications out and you will be mailed a ballot for your precinct.
The ballot mailing will include a return envelope and instructions for completing and returning the ballot/s. You will receive the city and school ballots along with the county ballots, according to the districts in which you live. If you are not in a school district or city area, you will not receive that ballot. If there is an error, contact the county auditor at 363- 2205.
In 2008, 480 of 814 eligible voters returned their ballots by mail, including absentee ballots.
In 2008, the cost per vote was $8.15; in 2006 it was $8.02. The increase was due only to an increase in the cost of printing. This year the cost is likely to be less, due to the fewer precincts; there are only two precincts compared with six, with a drop in ballots to print from 14 to nine.
The reduced number of precincts is thought to enable a reduction in printing costs as well as less tracking confusion and work for all who handle the ballots.
All ballots must be returned and counted by Tuesday, June 8. Local polling is also available at McClusky City Hall in the Community Room for those who prefer to vote in person.

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