April 6, 2016

Up and running with plans to expand


Heart of Dakota Packing is up and running. The meat butchering business owned by Derek and Casey Ebach has been busy processing meet since November 4 of 2015. As they worked, improvements were added and procedures streamlined for maximum customer satisfaction and return on investment.

Thus far, according to Ebach they have processed approximately (as days pass, the count goes up) 200 head of beef, 165 hogs, a few sheep, 40 deer, 5 elk and 2 buffalo. It includes custom processing, both on-farm and emergency butchering, along with curing, smoking and making sausage. There is no retail sales involved, only custom slaughter and processing.

The sole proprietorship employs three cutters and processors, Josh Westphal, Steve Howery and Zachary Holindae. Also involved is Darwin Worley and Steven Rosencrans, who were busy laying cement in late March for the installation of the new drip cooler.

The workers eat at their work, with Casey fixing a lunch for whoever needs to eat. She is also the caregiver for the children, some in school during the days.

The shops capacity is 14 beef currently and with the new cooler can go to 30 head. Three rails run the length of the coolers with drains.

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