Three hundred games and counting
Three hundred games and counting
First there was the food: potluck. Then there were the Bingo prizes: $30 or more, depending upon the game. Last, but not least, was the birthday cake for Mary Snyder, 75. They all added up to the 300th night of Bingo conducted by SCiPY, Sheridan County in Partnership with Youth, on February 25 at McClusky City Hall’s community center.
With a meager $1 a card, many “whizzes” played several. For those who simply wanted a peaceful night among friends, one or two sufficed. This doesn’t mean the excitement wasn’t there: Applause for big winners, blackout winners, and “survival,” where NOT having the next number is better than already having four.
Organized in 1999, the group has sponsored activities through grants, fundraisers and donations. They have held Bingo games since the McClusky Lions Club relinquished their Saturday night time and space at the McClusky Community Center to the group.
Since that time, an automatic board for called numbers has greatly added to the fun, time saving and convenience of the games. Those who miss a number can check the board; those who heard “22” but aren’t too sure, can check their hearing accuracy and their cards as well.