October 9, 2008

Third time charm for Smash

By AllanTinker

The third run at the September community event, the September Smash, went over well this year, cementing in the success of the two previous years. The Sept. 20 venue is a prime time for shoppers in need of school items, as well as the pre-holiday shoppers. Good food and a fun time didn’t hurt any, either. Event coordinator Shirley Faul called attention to the talents of Mike and Janeen Piper of Denhoff who provided musical mid-day entertainment. "They were just great." Faul also stated the event was called a "very successful and fun-filled day’ by those who attended and the members and organizers of the event. They estimated more than 300 people attended. New things included the Sheridan County Sheriff’s Dept. where Sheriff Trent Naser and Chief Deputy Delbert Hoffman handed out various safety information and child fingerprinting kits. Youth also were treated to a tour of the patrol car.


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