Tax increase looms ahead
By Alan Tinker
The state has issued its increase recommendations for property tax assessments in the state. Tanya Mueller, Sheridan County Tax Equalization Director, noted that 6 percent
would be nice, to allow for no adjustment made last year, and the 10 percent leeway the state allows counties to make. She noted that Ag land sale prices are three to four times
what the value is, and in the surrounding counties, Sheridan County is the lowest at $497. Commissioner Shannon Dieterle noted that people are okay with paying more if
they have better roads. The formula, based upon values, crop yields and other criteria, is done by NDSU and the state asks the counties whatever is determined by that formula,
he added. A motion by Rod Schilling, second by Dieterle, passed 3-0, set the increase at 5 percent for 2021. Assessment issues again arose, with Mueller suggesting the purchase of Vanguard software to take over much of the calculation work needed for assessment.