August 14, 2013

Streets, beer and pay issues fill August council meeting

Streets, beer and pay issues fill August council meeting


Streets, one way or another, dominated the time at the August 12 meeting of the McClusky City Council.
Dr Gerald Kitto appeared to request consideration on paving the street by his veterinary clinic, seeing as they were permanent residents with a 17-year history. He stated he is more than willing to bear his share of the cost and assumed those on the other side of the street would feel the same way.
The street is muddy in the spring and with rain; dusty when dry, “swamp or dustbowl,” said Kitto. The three-axle trucks and trailers that bring in the expensive horses for care have sunk into the mud and gravel, causing various problems and also time lost in the extrication necessary.
When traffic increases in the spring, with calving and other animal care concerns, it gets to be a big problem, according to Kitto. The new man camp traffic will also impact the street.
Kitto stated he didn’t expect it could get done right away but he asked the council members to consider his request. The council did, approving a motion to bring in the city engineer to estimate the cost for the paving.
Raises for two city employees were approved; Tom Giese, who has completed the probationary period, received a $2 per hour increase. City Auditor Andrea Kluck received a $250 per month increase. Their work histories were the basis for the increase, both cited for doing extra work with no complaints and doing their work well.

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