August 3, 2016

Short staff and full agenda

The annual meeting of the McClusky School District Board met on July 25, with one member absent. Present were President Brian Larson, Heidi Strobel, Jess Boehm and Roberta Hunt; absent Stacy Sease.
Superintendent Dr. Cheri Poitra gave her report, which included an overall report on the buses. The old 1999 Am Tram bus was delivered to the crusher and the other buses are being maintained and/or inspected for the upcoming school year. The tires and battery were replaced on the Ford Expedition. The new school bus is scheduled to be delivered in the next few weeks.
A back to school “Bash” will be held before school starts in conjunction with a SCiPY-sponsored “Run the Rainbow” event. A parent community picnic will be held in the park.

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