June 15, 2016

Sheridan Memorial Home completes patio


The last of the big projects, for this summer at least, was the installation of a concrete patio on the northeast side of Sheridan Memorial Home. The patio is lined with planter boxes and chairs, awaiting the first change to show off at their open house during the Midsummer Fest the end of June.

Along the way, many other changes happened. Fish swim, unless they are unruly, in the big fish tank in the living room. A "time-out" tank for a cantankerous newcomer occupied a spot on the table for a while, but all is quiet in fish villa now.

Sheridan Memorial Home Director Connie Werth has a purple office to ease the endless hours of filing, paperwork and housekeeping issues for the home. She was able to choose her own color, same as residents get to do when their room needs painting.

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