Sheridan County Farm Bureau holds annual meeting
Sheridan County Farm Bureau held its 52nd annual meeting on Tuesday evening, October 28, at the Goodrich School gym. Approximately 45 people attended.
Farm Bureau President Randy Melom welcomed guests and opened the program with the Pledge of Allegiance. He introduced the guests at the head table: Seth Estenson, Daryl Lies, Cliff Naylor, and Michelle Melom.
Randy Melom gave the invocation. Dinner was served with shredded beef on bun, baked potatoes, coleslaw and dessert, coffee and punch the menu items for the night.
Cliff Naylor of NBC ND News KFYR talked about on his book "Off the Beaten Path" and showed videos to the audience. In 1995, he had written his first story in Sheridan County, at the Hurd House (roundhouse), near Hurdsfield. He also talked about many of the other different places where he went to do stories.
Doug Goehring, ND Ag Commissioner was a guest speaker and spoke about North Dakota agriculture and livestock. He stated North Dakota was the, best state in the nation, praising North Dakota for its lowest unemployment stance, good leadership, and reminded everyone of the need to support agriculture.