Sheridan County 4-H members hold awards banquet
Sheridan County 4-H members hold awards banquet
Sheridan County 4-H members and council held their annual Awards Banquet on Sunday evening, Oct. 7, at the McClusky Elementary School.
4-H Council President Bev Faul welcomed everyone to the banquet with 4-H Pledge and Pledge of Allegiance.
A prayer and dinner followed; during dinner the 2011-2012 4-H year slides were shown.
Bev Faul presented the 4-H Awards and Emily Kline, past Extension Agent presented the Livestock Awards.
4-H and community members who received special awards and the awards they received:
Pioneer Award: Phyllis Dieterle; Friend of 4-H: Bill and Bert Voegele; 2012 Key Club Recipient: Taylor Gahner; Past 4-H Council President: Bev Faul; 2012 Medal Awards: Ryleigh Laib, Photography, and Brittany Lasher, Dairy; Livestock Judging Team: Shelby Faul, Top Judger; Kaley Sease, Most Improvement; Kaitlyn Haux, Hardest Worker; Chasely Houser, Ryleigh Laib and Alex Naser; Dairy Judging Team: Shelby Faul, Ryleigh Laib, Kaitlyn Haux and Alex Naser; the team placed second in state contest; 2011-2012 Cloverbuds: Dylan Faul and Jaryt Davis.
Shelby Faul: Horticulture, Grand Champion; Creative Arts, Grand Champion; Arranging Flowers, Grand Champion; Scrapbooking, Grand Champion; Glue Solution, Reserve Champion.
Kody Faul: Drawing and Painting, Grand Champion; Consumer Choices, Reserve Cham-pion; Fishing, Reserve Champion.