October 1, 2015

Ruth Sauter receives certificate

Ruth Sauter receives certificate

Submitted by Karen Feickert

On September 22, the Goodrich American Legion Auxiliary Post #56 Membership chairman Karen Feickert presented a certificate to Ruth Sauter for her 70 years of continued membership. Feickert also thanked her for her dedication to Post #56 and for her support of the American Legion and their goals.

Ruth shared a story with the group about how important the American Legion and Auxiliary were back when she joined. The story she told was about a scheduled Auxiliary meeting in the winter.

She said that her husband, Alvin, and Vearl Hagens husband, Morris, both said that the roads were blocked and they couldnt make it to town. But Ruth and Vearl, the dedicated members that they were, dressed up in coats and boots and headed cross country to the Walter and Irene Sauter farm.

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