RUS explores issues on proposed power line
RUS explores issues on proposed power line
The Minnkota proposed electric power transmission line path of possible tower sites is wide and spreads across the middle of the state from Center to Grand Forks.
The crowd gathered in the City Hall Community Room, McClusky, on Wed., Nov. 18, was interested in the details. What does it mean for development and the impact on the communities in its path? What does it mean to the individual landowner who has poles placed upon property he or she owns? How will this impact the environment? What are the benefits?
It is time for public comment, that time that slips by and opportunity is lost to be heard on the issues that are of concern. Forms were distributed in the packets handed out at the door; more forms were available on the tables; forms are available on the web and can be emailed, faxed, mailed or delivered to any RUS representative at any of the several public meetings scheduled across the state. There isn’t much of any excuse not to be informed, or to speak one’s mind on the issues that concern anyone in the public arena.