Policies and purpose mark Zimmerman patient philosophy
Global studies, public health work, AmeriCorps, and violence prevention in schools give most a good insight into the philosophy and personality of new Northland Community Health Center’s (NCHC) Medical Director Dr. Amy Zimmerman.
With positive energy marking everything she addresses in action, voice and policy, Dr. Zimmerman is pleased to join what she sees as a commitment to quality health care. Being able to help offer to anyone and everyone quality health care in an accessible environment is a positive for her.
"It is a pleasure to work with like-minded people. They make the job easier. The toughest part is being limited in what one can do to resolve patients’ issues and problems in extreme situations," she said.
She finds the health care providers caring and intelligent at NCHC and she enjoys wide open spaces and people. "I like to make people smile and it would be wonderful if people remembered me that way.
"I am proud to work with Northland and stay true to family taking care of family and continue in the care of each other. It is a time of health care transition," she added.