November 4, 2015

Pioneer Historical Society receives donation


Six members of the September Smash group that formed the community service and annual craft sale fundraiser has passed the torch. A portion of what they raised during their years of service is shared by two local entities, one new and another one of long standing service. The Sheridan County Pioneer Historical Society received the largest portion of the remaining Smash funds on deposit with Choice Financial: $500. The remainder went to the newly formed Goodrich Youth Group.

On hand to receive the money for the Society was President Jerry Reiswig of McClusky. Also present were September Smash representatives Shirley Faul and Shirley Barreth. Marlene Richter also appeared but after the photograph was taken of the donation.

The church building was of particular concern recently, with rain rotting the entryway floor to the point of being non-safe for people to enter. The rest of the church has not been damaged as much by water but is also in need of extensive repairs.

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