Piecemeal, phases or the whole enchilada
The special meeting called by McClusky City Council Mayor Roberta Hunt involved time to hear two issues, the first of which was the engineering plan developed by Moore Engineering, Inc. for sewer water and street improvements.
The other issue was the quail being kept within city limits by Frank and Barbara Teumer.
Moore Engineering representatives Mike Foertsch and Luke Arnold presented their tentative plan estimates. Total construction of all phases is $7,074,000. The amount is somewhat softened by the grant eligible construction portion, which is 45 percent or $3,147, 210.
The proposed plan was presented in four parts: sanitary sewer, water main, roadway and other. Included in the sanitary sewer part were the removal of 6 and 8-inch PVC pipe, reline of 9 and 10-inch CIPP pipe, 8 and 6 inch PVC pipe, sanitary sewer machine and manhole adjustment, internal manhole chimney seal, televise sanitary sewer, sanitary lift station and sanitary force main, three inch.