Park Board gears up for summer
With three elected hands on deck, plus clerk for the McClusky Park Board meeting on February 16, plans formed for the continued operation of the Kathy Davis Memorial
Swimming Pool and necessary repairs. With a balance of $19,000-plus in the park board checking account, costs, fundraising, salaries and repairs all had a share of the group’s attention. Possible grant sources were considered briefly, with Dakota Prairies RC&D, Capital Electric, and National Endowment for the Arts all drew mention. Word on the progress of graveling the cemetery roads and the cemetery sign was unavailable as project leader Kristee Tanner was absent, with Tracy Stein, Rhonda Meckle, Larry Gessner and Clerk Shirley Murray present for other reports. The positions available to be filled are the lifeguards and a pool manager. Ads will be placed and applications reviewed at the March meeting.